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CMS Proposes Raising Medicaid Payments to Primary Care Physicians

In a proposed rule announced on Wednesday, CMS seeks to provide states more than $11 billion in new funds to improve Medicaid primary care from 2013 through 2014. The proposal, if finalized, would implement requirements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act designed to help primary care physicians and networks prepare for the increased enrollment following implementation of healthcare reform.

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Delaware Focused on Cutting Medicaid Costs

In these tough economic times, courts across the country have been addressing challenges to State action aimed at reducing Medicaid costs. In October, the US Supreme Court heard argument (but has not yet issued a decision) in Douglas v. Independent Living Center to answer the question of whether or not Medicaid recipients and providers are able to sue States that attempt to reduce reimbursement rates required by the Medicaid Act.

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  • Navigating Delaware's Legal Landscape